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Visiting Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty or Van Gogh’s Cypresses?

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For Families

These blogs and videos are made for, with, and by kids at The Met! Here you will also find resources for parents, teachers, and caretakers.

Composite of two blue-winged yellow swamp warblers next to a flower

Birding at The Met: A Selection of Drawings and Prints

Learn how birds have served as a source of endless inspiration for artists from the 16th century through the present.
Characters from the Bubble Guppies floats in the Great Hall at The Met Museum

Play Bubble Guppies: Dive into The Met

Learn more about the new game from Noggin and The Met

Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts

Watch a preview of the exhibition Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts.

Painting With Bugs: Where Does Color Come From?

Sometimes the colors in paints and dyes come from the natural world, like plants, minerals, and… bugs? Meet the cochineal—the tiny, cactus-loving insect that brings a bright, vibrant red color to art, clothing, and even food—and learn all about the science of pigments.

Art Under X-Ray: What’s Inside the Art?

Art is full of mysteries that can’t be revealed by a quick glance. How do we see what’s hiding inside objects and learn how they were made and repaired? We use an x-ray machine, just like you’d find at the doctor’s office!

Ancient Ear Hair: How Do Crystals Form?

Art at The Met is made of many materials, including natural materials like minerals. Environmental conditions can affect these minerals, and even make an ancient statue grow ear hair! Learn about the science of crystals and salts, and how we use our knowledge to protect the art.

Art in the Dark: How Does Light Change Art?

We need light to see art, but the safest place for it is in the dark. Umm… what? Learn how light energy can damage materials, and what we do at The Met to keep art safe for years to come.

Dinosaur Fashion: Where Can We Find Plastics and Polymers at The Museum?

It’s dinosaur couture! Polymers are everywhere: in your body, in your clothes, and in art all over The Met. Learn about how we use the science of plastics and polymers to preserve art and try to protect the future from waste and pollution.

Making Waves: What Happens When We Zoom in on Art?

Waves: they’re not just in the ocean. We need waves of light to look at art at The Met. But what if we want to take a closer look? Then, we use an electron microscope, a cool tool that uses energy waves to zoom in on art like never before.

Storytime with The Met: “Wild About Books” by Judy Sierra and illustrated by Marc Brown

Enjoy Storytime from home! Look, listen, sing, and have fun with picture books.

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